Five Reasons I don't Want To Procreate
Being a thirty something married female, I am constantly bombarded with this question or some variation of it. "When are you going to have kids?" I hear this from my immediate and extended family, friends who already have kids or are pregnant and even folks that don't fall into these categories. Really?
So why is this such a big deal? Many people argue that procreation is a very natural thing. Let nature take its course. Yeah sure. I think the same group of people need to stop using "artificial contraceptives" altogether and go all natural. See how many you can handle, NATURALLY.
And then there are people who tell me that I am missing out on the greatest love and joy of one's life. Gee, that really hurts. I think these people need to maximize the joys of their lives. Read advice in the paragraph above. More the merrier, right?
Another gem. Marriage doesn't mean anything until you have kids. So basically you are questioning whether me and my spouse love each other or not. You are questioning the longevity of my relationship with my spouse. All I can say is time will tell. For you and for me.
Now that I have some of the angst out of my system, here are the top five reasons why I don't want to procreate:
- Too many kids abandoned and neglected by society in today's times. I would rather adopt from that pool
- I strongly believe that there are just too many of us as it is. 7.3 billion and counting
- No desire whatsoever to see "mini-me"s of myself and my spouse.
- We live in modern times. Procreation is such an outdated concept if you think about Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- I am a human being. I love. I care. I empathize. I accept. This is what defines me.